"One October Eve in Fun Family Farm"

Though we don't observe/celebrate Halloween, it is a festivity where candies and sweets are a must, therefor people would want to see and order for Halloween-themed cakes/cupcakes. So, here are two versions of my 'Fall' cakes; all are cupcakes. One part was regular cupcakes and the others was "pull-apart" cupcake. Perhaps I'd say 75% to 80% credit goes to my beloved hubby and son who have always been there to help me preparing the cakes and "helped" me with making the decorations.
The pull-apart cupcakes was about a farm in October, ready for corns and pumpkins harvest, that's why I gave title "One October Evening in Fun Family Farm". The other one is just "One Spooky Halloween Night", where I put decorations of spiders on their webs, cute mini ghosts, jack-o-lanterns and bats flying in the night with the moon as the backdrop.
If you have any question, feel free to leave message or send me e-mail, pls. Thank you!!
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