Friday, February 6, 2009

Empal Daging Sapi (Indonesian Tender Beef Jerky)

Here is one of a dish that you would want to have during holiday seasons and it's (apparently) quite easy to prepare.

½ lb. Beef tenderloin
2 - 3 tablespoon olive oil or vegetable oil
1 tablespoon ground coriander
2 tablespoon of sugar (or more if you wish)
1 tablespoon tamarind paste
3 big cloves of garlic
Salt to taste

Boil the beef meat in a pot until tender
Remove from the heat and tenderize it with meat tenderizer until flat/smashed well. Set aside.
Ground tamarind paste and garlic together.
Heat the olive/cooking oil in a pan. Add the mix of tamarind paste and garlic then ground coriander
When the sauce brings nice aroma, put on the meat, sugar and salt to taste.
Keep stirring until the meat turns into slightly darker color and the oil is almost absorb by the meat.
Remove from the heat and serve.
Yield 2-3 servings


Unknown said...

srrrruuuppppp ach.....
it's delicious...
you have a good talent, 2 thumbs up for you...
Keep fighting...

Luv u,


Exotic_Cuisin3 said...

hahahha... lucu dah!!
Ntar dah kalo sempet, di Indo kita BELI empal yah??? huahahah
(Koq beli??? bukannya masak??) Lha gw mah OGAH masak klo lg di Indo; ada mbak pembantu, ada sodara2 yg jago masak en tetangga2 yg baek en ridho nge-masakin?! Ngapain juga repot2!! heheheh...


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